A word of advice before you pursue music full-time

by plv music

Insights Of An Artist's Journey

Hi Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Welcome to another issue of Insights Of An Artist's Journey!

Every Tuesday, I send you resources and bits of insights that I find useful to help you speed up your music production journey πŸš€

Here are today's topics:

  • πŸš€ I'm starting a hard reset
  • ✨ A word of advice if you want to pursue music full-time
  • πŸ’¬ 21-Day Threads Challenge [Results]
  • 🎬 Video editing 101 for music producers
  • 🎢 "Firestone" remix

Let's jump in!

πŸš€ I'm starting a hard reset

If I'm being honest: I SUCK at focusing.

As a result, I work way longer than I need to, I spend too much time on social media, I check my emails every 10 minutes - which over time, brings me too much stress and anxiety.

Until now, I made it work because of my strong self-discipline and dedication but it’s sacrificing my physical and mental health...

So it needs to stop!

Introduce the "75 soft" challenge.

I discovered this challenge a few months ago, which is made to help you take control of your life again by building good healthy habits.

Its rules are 75 days of:

  • Eating well and only drinking on social occasions.
  • Training for 45 minutes every day - including one day for active recovery every week.
  • Drinking 3L of water per day.
  • Reading 10 pages of self-improvement book.

Now in my case, I added 2 more:

  • 30 minutes of piano/music per day
  • I'm only allowed to consume long-form content

I'm starting today, let me know if you're joining me in this challenge! πŸ˜ƒ

✨ A word of advice if you want to pursue music full-time

Wanting to make music full-time is good but it has a trap: once you get there, your hobby becomes your job.

If like me, you are not careful, you’ll end up doing this 24/7, completely losing track of yourself - the person behind the music and the business.

That’s when you risk of burning out or losing your passion and creativity.

Reading this quote from the "4-hour Work Week" helped me understand where I went wrong:

β€œThe goal wasn’t specific enough. I hadn’t defined alternate activities that would replace the initial workload.”

β†’ I had to replace my new free-time with new creative passions or hobbies to keep my life balanced.

Now that I was making music during the day or working on my business all-day long, I didn't have to keep doing this after work or on the weekends.

But because I didn't know what else to do with my time, I kept going...

What I needed is a new reason to stop work - like going to play tennis, going to a dance lesson or making plans with my friends.

It might sound a bit dumb now, if music isn't your full-time job, but I fell into the trap so I want you to be aware of it. Things change a lot when it becomes your full-time job so be mindful of everything that has to change with it πŸ˜‰

πŸ’¬ 21-Day Threads Challenge [Results]

If you remember well, a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was starting a challenge to post every day on Threads for 21 days.

I did it, so here are the results:

  • Over 107,000 views
  • 2,496 interactions (likes, comments, reposts...)
  • 600 new followers
  • My most successful Threads was the last one, who peaked at 41k views alone

After this challenge, I can guarantee that I am loving Threads and will continue to post over there, probably more than Instagram!

As per my experience:

βœ… The reach is much easier to get on Threads
βœ… It's so easy to post as it's just writing, it can take you 30 seconds
βœ… The engagement seems much better. I'm having genuine comments and conversations with like-minded people
βœ… I haven't seen one mean comment so far
βœ… Even if it's mainly writing, you can still post pictures and voice memos, so still useful for music artists

Now I'm curious, are you going to start posting on Threads? πŸ‘€

🎬 Video editing 101 for music producers

In a previous email, I asked you:

What are the missing pieces for you to be able to start posting music content online?”

Trisin replied: I think the missing pieces for me personally is my lack of skills in editing videos. I don't want to post crap videos, so I am sort of stuck.

If you are in the same boat as Trisin, here is the video editing software I recommend for you: DaVinci Resolve.

It is a free software that has all the professional features AND hours of training videos for free on their website! So basically, it's a no brainer!

🎢 "Firestone" remix

My friend formerly known as Kenji has now become Ewakiz - and scored his first official release with the music label giant Magic Records.

In collaboration with Kriyan and singer Charlene, they created a beautiful emotional chill remix of Kygo's hit song "Firestone":

Kriyan, Ewakiz, chrln
Spotify Logo


πŸ’Œ That's it for today! If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to reply to this email and I will do my best to help you out!

Keep learning,

Aurelie Couble / PLV Music

Find me on YouTube, Instagram​
or Book a 1:1 call​


πŸ‘‹πŸ» Looking for more?

Whenever you're ready, here are 4 ways I can help you:

1. Join the waitlist for MusiCreator Cohort 2: A Live Cohort based course that will transform your music skills into a profitable online business.

(Enrolments open September 8th. 25 past students, rated 5/5 stars)​

2. The Producer Dashboard: The last Notion template you'll ever need to run and sustain your music career or business.

3. The Producer Social Media Kit: Everything you need to know to grow on social media as a music producer.

4. The 12 Months Plan: A month-by-month plan to learn music production at home.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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by plv music Insights Of An Artist's Journey Hi Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ» Welcome to another issue of Insights Of An Artist's Journey! Every Tuesday, I send you resources and bits of insights that I find useful to help you speed up your music production journey πŸš€ Here are today's topics: 🎧 You can now add music on your Instagram profile 🎹 Is learning piano the cheat code for music producers? πŸ€– A tool that writes chords from a vocal acapella πŸ₯³ A MusiCreator Student Win 🎢 Why the art needs to come first Let's...

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by plv music Insights Of An Artist's Journey Hi Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ» Welcome to another issue of Insights Of An Artist's Journey! Every Tuesday, I send you resources and bits of insights that I find useful to help you speed up your music production journey πŸš€ Here are today's topics: πŸ’Έ I Quit My Job to Make $60K/Yr on YouTube 🎧 The best time to produce music (experiment) πŸ“ "I took notes on 50+ music producer interviews" πŸŽ› A new plugin for you (for nothing) πŸ’¬ Is Threads worth it for music creators? Let's...

Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen audio interface review

by plv music Insights Of An Artist's Journey Hi Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ» Welcome to another issue of Insights Of An Artist's Journey! Every Tuesday, I send you resources and bits of insights that I find useful to help you speed up your music production journey πŸš€ Here are today's topics: πŸŽ› The best piece of gear I ever bought 🀫 The secret to "stand out" online πŸŽ₯ Feeling stuck in your music career? Try this! πŸ’° Why I don't make money from royalties πŸ’¬ Poll: Is playing piano a necessary skill to be a good...